Monday, July 6, 2009



When life has become boring, it is but refreshing to do some crazy things that will liven up your spirit. I’m sure I have a lot of them, but let me share the most recent one which transpired just last night.

(Thanks to Lisa Movious on Flickr for the image)

I was riding the LRT on my way home. Since it was Sunday, the compartment wasn’t really that full.. I must admit riding the LRT is not in the list of my favorite things as stopping in numerous stations before you reach your destination bores me a lot.

I took the train from Quirino station which means 7 or 8 more stations await my way. Grrr! I had no choice but bear the agony. But one bright, crazy idea hit my brain cells to perk up the moment.

I FARTED… i-n-t-e-n-t-i-o-n-a-l-l-y...

It was a minor boom, soundless but brave enough to make everyone around me cover all their organs for smelling. I don’t think someone suspected it was me as I was kinda’ dressed up well, and there were a few people standing around me too. Hell yeah, it felt so good! I can’t wait to hit the LRT once again… Hehehehe!



Speaking of fart, I remember an old classmate telling me of the four types of farts. They are the following:

1. Silent but violent- an example was provided above.

2. Loud and proud- those that would require the participation of both your senses of hearing and smelling.

3. Wet and wild- uhmmm….

4. I’ve been having sleepless nights, trying to recall the fourth type. Please, please, I am willing to give a special reward for anyone who can give it to me… ;-)

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